Yearish in review

Yearish in review

It’s been about a year since I bought this domain, so that’s fun. As all hobbies this has ebbs and flows. The last year saw the introduction and removal of a helpdesk – turns out Digilan doesn’t need a helpdesk, and that is just a place for Russian bots to post and that’s not helping anyone.

The OneNote Documentation project combined with LastPass have been great to keep things organized, and I’ve found port numbers of the various web apps in one note more times than I can count. Lastpass is helpful to share passwords with those that need shared passwords, and has really upped my password game across the internet. Now every website does have a unique and long password, which is fantastic.

The goal for this year is a North Carolina server, need to buy hard drives for that. All in all I need about 40TB of storage…so that’s fun. Maybe by the end of the year that will be a reality.